Whether your calling is caring at the bedside, leading healthcare teams, providing primary care in the community, improving the mental health crisis or serving on the mission field – at Palm Beach Atlantic University, our graduate nursing programs can equip you for the next step in your career.
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Our exceptional instructors deliver a proven curriculum that is Christ-centered and patient-focused–where seeing the patient holistically as an individual, family or community is always our priority.
Connect with peers, mentors, advisors, career counselors, and every other support service available in our community of meaning-makers, including a dedicated Student Success Coach.
Median earnings increase 38% for nurse practitioners with a MSN degree in South Florida. (Source: Lightcast Q3 2024)
We can’t wait to hear from you. Let’s connect today, and start pursuing the future you’ve been chosen for.
561-803-2000 | Admit@zzsghm.com